[PDF] Vizag Steel MT 2009 Previous Paper

Recruitment details:
PSU Name: Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Year: 2009
Recruitment. Advt. No. 01 / 2009
Registration Date: 30-04-2009 to 20-05-2009
Exam Details:
Exam Date: 28-06-2009 (Sunday)
Re-Exam Date: 06-09-2009 (Sunday)
Exam mode: Offline (Pen-Paper mode)
Number of Question: 200
Type of Question: Objective MCQ
No Negative Marking
Exam mode: Offline (Pen-Paper mode)
Number of Question: 200
Type of Question: Objective MCQ
No Negative Marking
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Vizag Steel MT Mechanical 2009 Paper
Technical Part (100 Marks)
Non-Tech Part (100 Marks) [Common to all streams]
Technical Part (100 Marks)
Non-Tech Part (100 Marks) [Common to all streams]
Check: Vizag Steel MT Written Test & Interview Cut-Off
Download: Vizag Steel MT 2011 Paper
Download: Vizag Steel MT All Branch Official Syllabus
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