SSC JE Civil MCQs Solution & Explanation

[SSC JE Civil 2011]
Q. The ratio of normal stress to volumetric strain is defined as
(a) Young's modulus
(b) Bulk modulus
(c) Rigidity modulus
(d) Tangent modulus
Ans- (b)
Young's modulus= [Tensile stress/Tensile strain]
Bulk modulus= [Normal stress/Volumetric strain]
Rigidity modulus= [Shear stress/Shear strain]
Tangent modulus= Slope of the stress-strain curve at any specified stress or strain.
[SSC JE Civil 2011]
Q. A material is called ductile if it
(a) has little plastic elongation range
(b) has long plastic elongation range
(c) could be hammered into a very thin sheet
(d) shows a large elastic strain
Ans- (b)
[SSC JE Civil 2011]
Q. The moment of inertia of the cross-section about X-X axis is
(a) D3b/3
(b) D3b/12
(c) Db3/3
(d) Db3/12

Ans- (b)
[SSC JE Civil 2011]
Q. Poisons ratio is defined as
(a) longitudinal strain/lateral strain
(b) lateral strain/longitudinal strain
(c) lateral strain× longitudinal strain
(d) 1/2 (lateral strain) × (longitudinal strain)
Ans- (b)
µ= lateral strain/longitudinal strain
[SSC JE Civil 2011]
Q. modulus of rigidity is expressed as
(a) compressive stress/compressive strain
(b) tensile stress/tensile strain
(c) shear stress/shear strain
(d) stress/volumetric strain
Ans- (c)
[SSC JE Civil 2012]
Q. Hookes law valid up to
(a) limit of proportionality
(b) ultimate point
(c) elastic limit
(d) yield point
Ans- (a)
[SSC JE Civil 2012]
Q. The ability of a material to absorb energy till the elastic limit is known as
(a) resilience
(b) ductility
(c) elasticity
(d) malleability
Ans- (a)
[SSC JE Civil 2012]
Q.Out of the following, which is least elastic?
(a) Silver
(b) Rubber
(c) Iron
(d) Copper
Ans- (b)
[SSC JE Civil 2012]
Q. A bar, L meter long and having its area of cross-section A, is subjected to gradually applied tensile load W, the strain energy stored in the bar is given by
(a) W2L/AE
(b) W2L/2AE
(c) WL/2AE
(d) WL/AE
Ans- (b)
[SSC JE Civil 2012]
Q. The predominant effect of an axial force on a helical spring is
(a) compression
(b) Twisting
(c) Bending
(d) Tension
Ans- (b)
Helical spring is made of wire coiled into a helical form.
The Load is being applied along the axis of the helix.
In these type of springs, the major stresses are torsional shear stress due to twisting.
They are both used in tension and compression.
Helical spring is made of wire coiled into a helical form.
The Load is being applied along the axis of the helix.
In these type of springs, the major stresses are torsional shear stress due to twisting.
They are both used in tension and compression.