Assam Petro-Chemicals Ltd. Recruitment
Eligibility Criterion, General Information and Instructions:
1. All qualification must be from UGC recognized University/Deemed University or AICTE approved Autonomous Institution (wherever applicable) of repute with minimum 60% of marks secured in the relevant subject. Qualification obtained through any correspondence/distance learning mode shall not be considered.
2. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in a Degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application as per norms adopted by University/Institutes or Colleges.
3. Preference shall be given to the candidates having proficiency in Soft Skills in the respective field.
4. The cut-off date for determining age limit and post qualification experience will be 01-01-2018.
The upper age is relaxable by 5(five) years for SC/ST candidates, 3 (three) years for OBC (Non- Creamy Layer) candidates.
6. Reservation for specified categories shall be followed as per Government norms.
7. Management reserves the right to recruit or not to recruit in any of the above positions at
any point of time without assigning any reason whatsoever.
8. Candidature of the candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
(i) Application duly filled and completed should be sent by ordinary/speed post or courier
services only mentioning clearly about the “post applied for at the top of the envelop” with
detailed bio-data in prescribed format available in Website with 04 (Four) PP size coloured
photograph along with self attested copies of certificates/testimonials in support of qualification,
age, experience, caste etc. within 20 (twenty) days from the date of publication of this
advertisement. Any other means / mode of submission of application shall not be accepted.
(ii) APPLICATION FEE: Applicant is required to pay an application fee (non-refundable) by Demand
Draft drawn in favour of Assam Petro-chemicals Limited, payable at Namrup as shown below along
with their application:
(a) For General Category : Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only)
(b) For ST/SC/OBC/MOBC Category : Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty only)
(c) For candidates having BPL Card : NIL
(iii) Management reserves the right to consider accepting only one application from an Applicant if
applying for more than one post. APL’s decision shall be final in this regard.
(iv) The application should be addressed to:
General Manager (HR)
Assam Petro-Chemicals Limited
P.O. Parbatpur, Namrup
Dist. Dibrugarh, Pin- 786 623 (Assam)
10. The prescribed qualification is the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate for written test/interview. APL’s decision shall be final in this regard.
11. Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the applicant will disqualify his/her candidature. Any dispute with regard to recruitment against this advertisement will be settled within the jurisdiction of Dibrugarh Court only.
12. Management reserves the right to recruit no. of Trainees depending upon the business needs of the Company at its sole discretion. APL’s decision in this regard will be considered as final.
13. Training period:
a) Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) : 1 (one) year
b) Management Trainee (MT) : 1 (one) year
The training period may be extended at the sole discretion of the Management. After satisfactory completion of the training, the GETs & MTs may be absorbed in the service of the Company on regular basis in Executive Grade E-1.
14. Stipend :
For both GETs/MTs: A monthly stipend of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty-five thousand) only will be paid during the training period. On successful completion of the training, the candidate may be absorbed on regular basis with the salary and perks as applicable to its employees in Grade E-1 as per the norms of the Company.
15. No Travelling expenses will be paid for appearing in the written test.
16. The candidates called for interview shall be reimbursed to & fro 3 Tier A.C. Train / Bus fare only from the mailing address by the shortest route subject to production of ticket. No local conveyance will be paid.
17. The Company shall not be responsible for any application received in damaged condition or postal delay or loss of application in transit.
A. Availability of prescribed application form in website From 17.04.2018 to 07.05.2018
B. Last date for receiving an application by post 07.05.2018
Detailed Advertisement & Application Form: Click here to download