PDIL Recruitment for Engineers/Diploma
Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL), A Mini Ratna Category-I PSU, an ISO 9001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified and ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Accredited Company, is a leading Design Engineering and Consultancy organization having experience of over 40 years in Design, Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Project Management, Construction Supervision and Commissioning of Fertilizer & Allied Chemical, Refinery, Oil & Gas, Power, Petrochemical, Housing / Township and Infrastructure projects.
PDIL Recruitment
Applications are invited for WALK-IN INTERVIEW AT PDIL NOIDA AND VADODARA OFFICES OF PDIL for engagement of eligible candidates PURELY ON CONTRACT BASIS FOR THREE(3) YEARS duration for various posts (As per Annex-I) for posting to any of PDIL offices/sites located all over India.
MAXIMUM AGE AS ON 31.05.2018
As on 31.05.2018 maximum age limit is 70 years in all discipline for General /SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) /PH candidates.Application Fees - Candidates are required to make online payment of Rs.400/- for General & OBC and Rs.200/- for SC/ST excluding taxes & service charge through Net Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card/Bank Transfer.
STEP 1: Visit www.pdilin.com website
STEP 2: Click on “Careers” and then click on “ENGAGEMENT ON CONTRACT BASIS”
STEP 3: View the full Advertisement Details and read the instructions and terms and conditions carefully before applying.
STEP 4: Click on “I Accept” and then click on “Apply Online” to fill the Application Form.
STEP 5: Candidate should keep the scanned copy of their passport size colour photograph in .jpg/.jpeg format of not more than 75 KB
size and their signature in .jpg/.jpeg format of not more than 25 KB size. Also, upload certificates in .jpg/.jpeg or PDF format
w.r.t. age proof, qualifying degree certificate along with mark sheet. All Experience Certificates as mentioned in the online
application. For SC, ST, OBC(NCL) and Person with Disabilities need to upload their caste certificate and disability
certificates in .jpg/.jpeg or PDF format.
Candidate must ensure that all the above stated uploaded files should be in readable form, or otherwise, the application may
be rejected.
STEP 6: After you fill the Application form, click on “SAVE” to save the data entered.
STEP 7: Click on “pay online” to pay the application fee through the online payment gateway. After paying the application fee, the
Registration Slip will be generated.
STEP 8: Click on “Print” button to print the Registration Slip which will be required at the time of Personal Interview, if shortlisted.
Commencement of online registration of applications by candidates: - 30th June 2018
Last date for receipt of online applications: - 10th July 2018
Date & Time of walk-in Interview at Noida - 14th, 15th, 16th & 17th July 2018 (4-days)
Date & Time of walk-in Interview at Vadodara - 26th, 27th, 28th & 29th July 2018 (4-days)
Detailed Advertisement
ADVT.NO. HR/71/18/02
Please read full Advertisement notification for complete info.
If any further query, please comment below.