[PDF] RRB SSE 2014 Paper for All Branches
Railway Section Engineer Offline Exam Paper
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts Exams for the post of SSE which is common for all branches. Each branch has to attempt same question paper regardless of their branches. So, In this post, we are going to share RRB SSE Paper of 2014. This exam was conducted in three shifts. So, a total of 3 paper is here. Each paper is solved and is with correct answer as released by RRB.
Recruitment Details:
Organizing body: RRB
Notification: CEN-02/2014
Date of Publication: 20-09-2014
Eligible Branches:
Exam Details:
Exam Mode: Offline
Exam date:
Exam date:
Number of Question: 150
Total Marks: 150
Duration: 120 Minutes
Question Type: MCQ
Download Previous Solved Papers:
Download: RRB JE 2015 Papers
Download: RRB SSE 2015 Papers
Download: RRB JE 2014 Papers
Download: RRB JE 2015 Papers
Download: RRB SSE 2015 Papers
Download: RRB JE 2014 Papers