

RRB JE/CMA/DMS CEN 03/2018 Question Paper, Responses and Keys & Raising of Objections

RRB JE/CMA/DMS CEN 03/2018 Question Paper, Responses and Keys & Raising of Objections

CEN 03/2018 (JE, DMS & CMA Posts)
2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)


Viewing of Question Paper, Responses and Keys & Raising of Objections if any to Questions/Options/Keys 

The 2nd Stage CBT for JE, DMS & CMA Posts against CEN 03/2018 was conducted from 28.08.2019 to 01.09.2019 & on 19.09.2019. In order to enable candidates who appeared in this CBT to view their question papers, responses and answer keys, a link has been provided on the websites of RRBs which will be active from 26.09.2019 to 29.09.2019. 

After viewing the details as above, objections if any regarding the questions, options and keys published can be raised by the candidates for which the time schedule, fee and detailed procedure is given below:

Time Schedule  

Date and Time
Viewing of the Question Paper, Responses and Keys and Raising of Objections.
26.09.2019, 16:00 hrs. onwards
Closing of the Objection raising and payment window.
29.09.2019, up to 23:59 hrs.

The prescribed fee for raising objection is Rs.50/- + Application Bank Services Charges per question. In case the objection raised is found to be correct, the Fee paid against such valid objections shall be refunded to the candidate. The refund will be made to the account from where the candidate has made the online payment.

Procedure for raising objections

After login into objection link the candidate can view their Question Paper and the response by clicking on the “Question Paper & Response” button. While reviewing GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY RECRUITMENT BOARDS the questions if they want to raise an objection for any question, they can Click n the “Raise Objection” button given near the question.

This will open an objection page where they can choose the type of objection from the dropdown option and fill in the supporting details or upload supporting documents (Reference/Explanation).

Candidate can raise objection for only one question at a time and make the payment.

Click on the “Pay Now” button to make the payment for selected objection. A payment of Rs.50/- has to make for every objection raised. On completion of successful payment, the objection will get recorded and will be redirected to the “Objection Summary” Page.

The same procedure shall be adopted for raising subsequent objections.

Candidates are advised to raise objection(s), if any, well before the final date and time i.e.,29.09.2019, 23:59 hrs after which no representation from the candidates on the questions/options/keys etc will be entertained.

The decision of RRBs on the objections raised shall be final and binding and no further correspondence shall be entertained from the candidates in the matter. 

Check your marks through this link- RRB JE/CMA/DMS CEN-03/2018 CBT-2 Response Sheet

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