[PDF] Elementary Engineering Handwritten Note
Elementary Engineering Syllabus
Elementary Engineering.—Electric circuits, circuit law
principles of superposition, Thevenin's theorem, Introductions to periodic
function. Series and parallel connection in steeds' AC. a circuit having
inductions, resistance and capacitance, Transister Junction diodes. Equivalent
circuit. Common Emitter Equivalent circuit, magnetic effect of an electric
current, Magnetic circuits, Ideal Transformer, transformer as -a circuit
element, Electromagnetic energy conversion, D.C. Motors and Generator performance
A.C. Motor and Generator performance.
Check- BPSC AE Syllabus
Check- BPSC AE Syllabus
Elementary Engineering Notes
It includes two-notes:
a. Elementary Engineering-I
b. Elementary Engineering-II
Elementary Engineering-I includes- Electrical Circuits and Electronic Devices.
Elementary Engineering-II includes- Magnetic Circuits and Electrical Machines.
Download Link of these notes available at the bottom of this post.