Comparative Study of P-V and T-S diagram of Various Cycles
Thermodynamic Cycle:
1. Rankine Cycle
2. Sterling Cycle
3. Atkinson Cycle
4. Ericssion Cycle
5. Bell Coleman Cycle or Reverse Brayton Cycle
6. Brayton Cycle
7. Otto Cycle
8. Ideal Diesel Cycle
9. Dual Cycle
10. Carnot Cycle

1. Rankine Cycle:

2. Sterling Cycle:

3. Atkinson Cycle:

4. Ericssion Cycle:

5. Bell coleman Cycle or Reverse Brayton Cycle:

6. Brayton Cycle:

7. Otto Cycle:

8. Ideal Diesel Cycle:

9. Dual Cycle:

10. Carnot Cycle:
A Carnot Cycle acting as a heat engine illustrated on a temp-entropy diagram. The Cycle takes place between a hot reservoir and a cold reservoir.