Degree holders may apply for BSPHCL JE Recruitment
Employment Notice No.- 06/2018 and 07/2018
It is to inform that an interim order has been passed by Hon'ble High Court, Patna in CWJC No.–11096/2018 (Md. Asif Hussain & others Vrs. BSPHCL & others) regarding accepting an application from degree holders for recruitment to the post of JE (Electrical) / JE (Civil). Since the present application format is designed with respect to Diploma Holders only, the software for an application requires modifications & redesigning which will take some time. After redesigning the requisite advertisement will be published in the newspaper and on the official website of BSPHCL. The required time will be provided to the applicants to submit the application.
The final hearing, in this case, is fixed on 02.07.2018. Any decision was taken in this regard will be subject to the final order of the Hon'ble Court.
A detailed notice in this regard will be published very shortly. Kindly keep in touch with the company website –
Official Notification Link JE Recruitment Notification