

[PDF] Engineering Mechanics Notes by SK Mondal Sir

Engineering Mechanics Notes by SK Mondal

Engineering Mechanics notes is available for GATE and ESE aspirant of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering branch. The Questions from this subject is easy to attempt If you are aware of the key concepts of the subject. So, here we are sharing Engineering Mechanics Notes in PDF format for all of you.

Engineering Mechanics Notes

The Engineering Mechanics notes contains previous year questions and solution from GATE and IAS Papers. All the solved questions are from Mechanical engineering stream only but it may help Civil Engineering aspirant because the syllabus for both branches is all most same. We hope you enjoy the learning of the subject through this Engineering Mechanics Notes. If you have any query please ask through the comment section.


SK Mondal

The Author of this notes is Swapan Kumar Mondal who is one of the best faculty of Mechanical Engineering at MADE EASY Delhi Centre. He is an Ex-IES officer in Indian Railway. Mondal sir's "Concepts with Jugad" is popular among the students of the Mechanical stream. Hence we are sharing SK Mondal notes with you.

GATE Syllabus of Engineering Mechanics

Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion; impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and energy formulations, collisions.

ESE Syllabus of Engineering Mechanics

Analysis of System of Forces, Friction, Centroid and Center of Gravity (CG), Dynamics; Stresses and Strains-Compound Stresses and Strains, Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagrams, Theory of Bending Stresses- Slope and deflection-Torsion, Thin and thick Cylinders, Spheres.

Contents of Engineering Mechanics Notes

Let see the contents of this PDF study material. It contains 8 modules, each module is further divided into the chapters. Total of 26 chapters is listed here.
Module 1
Lectures 1 & 2: Review of the three laws of motion and vector algebra
Lecture 3: Equilibrium of bodies
Module 2

Lecture 6: Trusses
Lecture 7: Friction
Module 3

Lecture 9: Properties of surfaces II: Second moment of area
Module 4

Lecture 10: Method of Virtual Work
Module 5

Lecture 11: Motion in a plane: Introduction to polar coordinates
Lecture 12: Motion with constraints
Lecture 13: Motion with friction and drag Mechanical Advantage
Module 6

Lecture 14: Momentum
Lectures 15 & 16: Work and Energy
Lecture 17: Collisions
Module 7

Lecture 18: Rotational dynamics I: Angular momentum
Lecture 19: Rotational dynamics II: Rotation about a fixed axis
Lecture 20: Rigid body dynamics III: Rotation and Translation
Lecture 21: Rotational dynamics IV: Angular velocity and angular momentum
Lectures 22 & 23: Rotational dynamics V: Kinetic energy, angular momentum and torque in 3-D
Module 8

Lecture 24: Harmonic oscillator I: Introduction
Lecture 25: Harmonic oscillator II: damped oscillator
Lecture 26: Harmonic oscillator III: Forced oscillations
Projectile motion

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Engg. Mechanics Notes by SK Mondal [PDF]  

Engineering Mechanics Handwritten Note by SK Mondal

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